





釈尊は、仏法に教え導かれるところ「国豊民安こくぶみんあん 兵戈無用ひょうがむよう」(国は豊かになり人びとは平穏に暮し、武器をとって争うこともなくなる)と説かれ、浄土真宗の宗祖親鸞聖人は「世のなか安穏なれ 仏法ひろまれ」と願われました。



浄土真宗本願寺派 総長 石上 智康
真宗大谷派 宗務総長 但馬 弘
真宗高田派 宗務総長 増田 修誠
真宗佛光寺派 宗務総長 佐々木亮一
真宗興正派 宗務総長 三井 雅弘
真宗木辺派 宗務長 馬籠 法城
真宗出雲路派 宗務長 茨田 宣丸
真宗誠照寺派 宗務長 茨田 隆信
真宗三門徒派 宗務長 黒田 昌英
真宗山元派 宗務長 佛木 道宗

安倍 晋三 殿

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe


Since its foundation in 1969, the Federation of Shinshu Buddhism has unwaveringly protested against the Prime Ministers’ and cabinet members’ official visit to Yasukuni Shrine.

There is no need to repeat the historical fact that Yasukuni Shrine was established to commemorate those who lost their lives for the nation and honor them as war heroes. It also served as the spiritual center of State Shinto for Japan to carry out a number of wars until the end of World War II. At the same time, Yasukuni is significant in that it is a religious place where war victims are differentiated according to a specific standard and enshrined as “gods” without regard to the will of the deceased as well as their family members.

Considering its history and Japan’s way of honoring soldiers and war heroes, we cannot support the claim that Yasukuni Shrine is the nation’s central religious institution for remembering war victims.

Written in reflection of the tragic results brought about by World War II, the Constitution of Japan declares earnest quest for world peace as well as respect for basic human rights. On this theory, the Constitution guarantees freedom of religion to each individual and advocates the principle of separation of religion and State by calling for religious neutrality and prohibiting collusion between the government and any religious institution. Public visits of state representatives, such as the Prime Minister and cabinet members, to a specific religious institution is undoubtedly a constitutional violation and against the basic principles of religious freedom and the separation of religion and State. It should therefore not be allowed.

Sakyamuni Buddha stated in a sutra, “When the Buddha Dharma prevails, the land is prosperous and the people live in peace, so there is no need to use soldiers and weapons.” In addition, Shinran Shonin, the founder of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism, expresses his aspiration in his letter to his disciples, “May there be peace in the world, and may the Buddha’s teaching spread!”

However, against these teachers’ noble aspirations, as a Shinshu Buddhist organization, we committed a grave mistake by taking part in the movement of promoting wars that consequently brought tremendous sufferings to many people. With deep reflection on this past mistake, as Buddhists, without regard to friend or foe, we have come to understand the hope of those who lost their lives in war as the wish of the Buddha, and therefore are engaged in a variety of activities, such as memorial services for war victims in the name of peace and renunciation of war.

Until today, Japan has been seeking for eternal peace with the aspiration proclaimed in the current Constitution, "renunciation of war." We sincerely hope that the Prime Minister and his cabinet members will deeply reflect on what the Constitution tries to express and discontinue official visits to Yasukuni Shrine, being aware of why this is a problem. We acknowledge your engagement in peace promoting activities elsewhere and support your continued efforts in those aspects.

August 5, 2019

Federation of Shinshu Buddhism
  Governor General Chiko Iwagami, Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha
  Governor General Hiroshi Tajima, Shinshu Otani-ha
  Governor General Shujo Masuda, Shinshu Takada-ha
  Governor General Ryoichi Sasaki, Shinshu Bukkoji-ha
  Governor General Gako Mii, Shinshu Kosho-ha
  Chief Governor Hojo Magome, Shinshu Kibe-ha
  Chief Governor Nobumaru Manda, Shinshu Izumoji-ha
  Chief Governor Takanobu Manda, Shinshu Joshoji-ha
  Chief Governor Shoei Kuroda, Shinshu Sammonto-ha
  Chief Governor Doshu Hotegi, Shinshu Yamamoto-ha

